Trailblazers in Aspen A female entrepreneur, Livingston is the Founder of Aspen Real Life and Aspen Connect.


Our Aspen Trailblazer Jillian Livingston was Featured in Voyage Denver

Read this article on Trailblazer Jillian Livingston, featured in Voyage Denver. A female entrepreneur, Livingston is the Founder of Aspen Real Life and Aspen Connect.

Become a Trailblazer: A Message to Young Female Entrepreneurs

Believe in Yourself

My message to young women so that they too may become trailblazers? Believe in yourself. Be strong. Don’t chase shiny objects and be fooled by those who say they can help you. Be discerning and discriminative.

Create That Business Plan

Begin your trailblazing with a working business plan that you can continuously update, just like traveling, your destination will most likely change, but writing it down will help you to sort out the outline of which to follow to get the work done, and envision what the ultimate goal and plan is. One thing I know for certain is that if you can’t see what’s ahead, you will not be able to manifest it.

Seeking Wisdom From Elders

Seek advice from everyone you admire, ask them important lessons that they have learned. Respect those who have the wisdom and are all-knowing, and be sure to thank them for their time. However, don’t let the energy of others change your path. Take in the information you need to help guide you, and discard the rest.

Help Others

Help others where you can, but just as you would put your oxygen mask on first so as to better help others, serve yourself first. Give back when you can.

Get Out of Your Own Way

Get out of your own way while you are trailblazing and don’t sabotage yourself. Think about what it is you may be resisting, and why. Be present, paying attention to how you may be blocking your own success. Read The War of Art by Steven Pressfield.

Meditate to Manifest Desires

Meditate, as much as you can to stay clear in your path and focused. Don’t give airtime to the negative disruptive thoughts that will always creep in if you let them. Try to be as laser-focused as you can be. Get Rod Stryker’s Sanctuary App.

Lead Generation

Follow every lead that comes your way, and keep a spreadsheet of contacts with notes on each interaction. Act on your ideas, or at least write them down in a working document so nothing slips through the cracks, where you may not be ready at the moment to follow through with that idea, the time may come in the future to act upon it.

Flow in Your Workspace

If your work is feeling too forced, step back and live more in the flow – choosing the paths that open before you, rather than macheting your way through.


Diligently persevere, and work your ass off, but also take the time you need to nurture mind, body & soul.

And most importantly, stay healthy. Don’t sabotage your efforts, and don’t give up. Don’t ever give up. READ MORE.

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